Speaker Series February | Connections, Collaboration and Resources

Rehfeld's Underground 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

FEB 21, 6:30-8:30 The Underground by Rehfeld's Hosted by The Watering Can contact info: Claudia Dail, claudia@thewateringcan.org Speaker Series February | Connections, Collaboration and Resources Description: Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Dive deeper into the local arts scene and all it has to offer artists and creatives! Facilitated by Kellen Boice of SFAC, we'll […]

Speaker Series March | How to Increase Your Income with a Multifaceted Approach

Rehfeld's Underground 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

MAR 21, 6:30-8:30 The Underground by Rehfeld's Hosted by The Watering Can contact info: Claudia Dail, claudia@thewateringcan.org Speaker Series March | How to Increase Your Income with a Multifaceted Approach Description: Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. March 21 features Hector […]

Speaker Series | Art Critique

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. On April 18 we will be doing a group art […]


Speaker Series | Who is Your Audience and Where to Find Them

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. July 18 features the founder of The Watering Can, Claudia […]

Speaker Series: Using Patreon to Build Following and Make Money

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. August 15 features illustrator Dylan Jacobson. TOPIC: Using Patreon to […]


Speaker Series | How to Organize and Promote an Exhibition

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. September 19 features Levi Sternburg, Kenzie Shubert and Tyson Schultz of Untitled 10. TOPIC: How to Organize and Promote an Exhibition Unable to attend in person? All sessions are available via Facebook Live, with the […]


Speaker Series | What’s This Thing Worth? Pricing Your Art.

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. October 17 features Cody Kuehl, Artist & Gallery Owner. TOPIC: […]

Speaker Series | Art-In-Progress Art Critique

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and advice for artists! Hosted by the Watering Can at The Underground in the lower level of Rehfeld's. November is an Art-In-Progress Critique. Bring 2 pieces of work […]

Speaker Series | Managing My Time and What I Want for My Art

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and resources for artists. It's a new year and a new series! Volume 4 will have a heavy focus on business strategy. Join us this month as presenter, Julie Dent, Artist and Business Woman, talks about time management and spending it where it counts. FEBRUARY TOPIC: Managing My Time and What I Want […]


Speaker Series: Target Audience – Who are they and where are they?

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and resources for artists. We're back at it with Founder of the Watering Can, Claudia, this month and our series focused on business strategy. Hope to see you in person or via facebook live! MARCH TOPIC: Target Audience – Who are they and where are they? Streamlining marketing efforts and dollars.


Speaker Series: Setting Yourself Apart as a Professional Artist

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Ideas, strategies and resources for artists. Hope to see you in person or via facebook live this month as Claudia, business coach and founder of The Watering Can, talks about ways to stand out as a pro creative! APRIL TOPIC: Setting Yourself Apart as a Professional Artist • Quality product • Portfolio • After the […]

Speaker Series | Art Critique

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States

Rounding out Volume 4 of The Speaker Series with and art critique! Bring 2 pieces of work – finished or in progress. If there is something specific you want to know from others about your work, bring questions so you get the answers you are looking for. Claudia will facilitate conversation with added questions. Note […]

The Artist Toolkit for Success: Marketing | Define your product

The Underground by Rehfeld's 431 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, United States +1 more

Starting in September, The Watering Can is excited to present a new series of FREE workshops for artists! The Artist Toolkit for Success: Business skills to set you apart. Second […]