Discover Elevate, a captivating short film that follows the journey of four BIPOC artists and creatives as they engage their communities through expressive works rooted in culture, heritage, and locality. Witness how their art amplifies their voices and creates a platform for visibility, unity, and artistic expression, breathing life into neighborhoods and cultures that deserve recognition.
If you are interested in hosting a viewing of this film, please reach out to Sioux Falls Arts Council via our contact page!
Director & Writer: Letishia Kelley
Lead Cast: Sonja Hernandez, Moses Idris, Kyrie Dunkley, and Taylor Yocum
Editor: Taylor Yocum
Narrator: Vaney Hariri
Director of Photography: Jonathan Kelley and Letishia Kelley
2nd Unit Director: Taylor Yocum
Unit Still Photographer: Wilanrie Botha
Production Designer: Taylor Yocum
Producer: Jonathan Kelley
Executive Producer: Sioux Falls Arts Council