Steven Schnable

Sioux Falls

About The Artist

Greeting! Art and a silent music are important elements in my life. You may wonder why silent music. No sounds? To tell you a bit about myself, I was born deaf but it doesn’t stop me from doing what I want to do in my life. While I was young, someone donated a jukebox to the boy’s dorm where I lived. I spent all afternoon sitting by it as it played music and enjoyed every minutes of the vibrating sounds for a whole month. Fast forward…At Gallaudet University, I majored in psychology and minored in art.
Psychology makes me realize that art is not just for myself but as a tool for expressing a silent music that inspires people to creative solutions for work and personal growth. In a true sense, it lifts the spirit of Sioux Falls. Let’s work, dance and jolly once more!

Samples of Work
