Sanford HeART Gallery Call for Entries

Sanford HeART Gallery Call for Entries

Heart of Nature – Found Photographs of Heart Shapes

Exhibit: July 20-November 20, 2013

Artist Reception: August 6, 2013

Entry Deadline: July 1, 2013

Sanford HeART Gallery is pleased to announce a call for entries:  Heart of Nature – Found Photographs of Heart Shapes. This art exhibit will feature photographs of nature and surroundings that depict a heart shape. The heart can be a found ‘as is’ and photographed, or objects and surroundings may be manipulated to form heart shapes.

The goal of the exhibit is to feature the heart shape, focus on heart health, and also to promote amateur photography as a creative and physical exercise. Nature is a primary focus; photographers are encouraged to get outside and walk as they photograph suitable imagery.  Physical exercise is an important part of heart health and the act and art of taking photographs is an enjoyable and accessible activity for all.


Media: Photography

Theme: Found or created imagery of heart shapes in nature

  • All photographs should reflect the subject matter as accurately as possible.  Digital enhancing (cropping, color and contrast adjustments, black and white conversions, cleaning up image, etc.) is acceptable. Highly photo shopped or images altered beyond the scope of the show’s theme may not be selected.

Method of entry:

  • To be considered for the exhibit, email high resolution JPG by July 1, 2013 to:
  • The files should be either a .jpg or a .tif. (File sizes need to be 1.2mb for a .jpg or 6.1mb for a tif)
  • The files need to be in RGB
  • An 8×10 or an 8×12 should be 1200×1800 pixels
  • The resolution should be 150-300 ppi
  • Include in the email: Name, email address, phone, physical address and title of piece.  Selected artists will be asked to write a short statement about their piece(s) and a brief bio.


  • Anyone can enter; amateur entrants from communities serviced by the Sanford Health system are especially encouraged to submit.  No entry fee.
  • Total number of entries per person: Three (3)


  • Pieces will be juried based on adherence to the heart-shaped theme, quality of the image and gallery space. Intended  number of pieces in the show: 25 photos
  • DEADLINE: All entries must be emailed by July 1, 2013 to:
  • Pieces will be juried and artists will be notified by July 8, 2013 of their inclusion in the exhibit.
  • There will be a reception for the artists August 6, 2013.  Postcards will be provided to the artists to distribute.


  • Sanford Heart Hospital will require permission to print one photograph to display; artists will not be charged. Sanford will frame the photographs for uniformity.  Sanford reserves the right to reproduce the selected works for publicity purposes only. Any image used shall carry a credit line of the artist.  Copyright and all other rights remain that of the artist.


Entries (JPEGS) due                   July 1, 2013Artists notified if selected                                                                 July 8, 2013

Bios due (from selected artists)                                                       July 12, 1013

Exhibit dates                                                                                   July 20-Nov. 20, 2013

Artist reception                                                                                August 6, 2013

Contact: Lisa Dresch    212-8199

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