Recently Mayor Paul Ten Haken recommended a full-time arts specialist position be added to the 2023 Budget. If approved this position will work with
multiple city departments, community organizations, neighborhood associations and individuals to create arts and culture policies, manage city art investments, implement procedures, and develop partnerships and financial resources to meet the diverse needs of Sioux Falls residents and visitors.
Although this effort stalled at the last budget hearing, leaders in the arts community are actively developing supporting documents to reapproach City Council in December in hopes that the position will be added within the Planning and Development Services department in 2023.
Please consider joining this effort.
Approaching the City Council with a unified voice is a powerful endorsement of the Mayor’s proposal by either signing on to this petition and/or sending a letter of support for this initiative to kboice@artssiouxfalls.org by Monday, November 14.
Still have more questions? We invite you for your input Wednesday, November 16 from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Downtown Public Library Meeting Room A. If you would like to learn more about this effort, please contact a member of the arts advocacy group whose names and contact information are listed below.
Kellen Boice
Executive Director
Sioux Falls Arts Council
Janet Brown, past president/CEO Grantmakers in the Arts/ South Dakotans for the Arts, Arts Task Force Facilitator – janetbrown153@gmail.com
Jim Speirs, Executive Director – Arts SD – jim@artssouthdakota.org
Kellen Boice, Executive Director – Sioux Falls Arts Council – kboice@artssiouxfalls.org
Nancy Halvorson, Executive Director – Levitt at the Falls – nhalverson@levittsiouxfalls.org