November – Professional Development Seminar

ZACH HAMILTON WAS FANTASTIC! Artist self care is a very real issue and Zach Hamilton gave a lot of tools and techniques to stay motivated and on task.  Another important portion of care is copyright protection.

Jared Clark of Cutler & Donahoe, one of only a handful of intellectual property lawyers in the state, will present on how an artist can protect their ideas.  For all types of artists, it is important to protect your work.  You’ll walk away with an understanding of the full extent you can go as well as some cheaper/easier ways to protect yourself.

This once a month luncheon will focus on various topics related to pursuing your dream of becoming a professional artist.  We get together at noon on the third Wednesday of the month at Utopia in Falls Landing Cafe.  Attending is free, and Utopia is donating a $10 meal deal that includes entree, drink and dessert.  Please RSVP by the Monday before.
For upcoming speakers, to reserve a spot, or to suggest topics, click here.

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