Arts, heritage and culture make a real difference to the people of Sioux Falls, to our neighborhoods, to our youth, and to our businesses. Arts and culture help individuals find and reach their potential and help the city achieve its community-building and economic development goals. Arts and heritage help build understanding and bridge differences among our increasingly diverse communities.
A vibrant arts and cultural sector helps attract visitors and encourage them to extend their stay. A creative community also attracts entrepreneurs and workers and helps retain our youth. Sioux Falls’ economic future will be largely determined by our ability to attract skilled workers – workers with the interest and means to pick and choose the community in which they will live and work.
This Cultural Plan outlines a vision and strategies to build a vibrant, attractive and prosperous community through the power of our arts, heritage and culture. We are grateful to the 73 community leaders and hundreds of Sioux Falls citizens who helped develop this plan for our community’s future.