Grow A Scene: Film/Media Last month’s event was an amazing success! Carlos de Leon led an in-depth discussion on the challenges and solutions facing the Sioux Falls film scene. The conversation was so great, the building had to shut down before we finished! We’re already seeing new projects under development that started that night.
DOUBLE DATES IN FEBRUARY! This month we’ll be hosting two separate Grow A Scene events – Grow A Scene: Music and Grow A Scene: Visual Arts.
Grow A Scene: Music On February 8th, we have a great pair of speakers to lead a discussion on band management. Jimmy Spiers and V the Noble One, both local musicians who are celebrated in their field, we’ll address the idea of how to get multiple creative personalities all headed in the same direction. This is an important topic for any group of artists, not just musical groups!
Grow A Scene: Visual Arts Timothy Hoheisel of the Center for Western Studies will be presenting on February 22nd. The title of his talk will be “The Art of Wounded Knee” and will include information on their upcoming exhibit “Interpretations of Wounded Knee 1973 and 1890.”
Both nights, the doors at the Museum of Visual Materials will open at 7pm and the conversation will start by 7:30. And of course, there is no cover! Come learn about the Sioux Falls art scene, how to get involved and meet connect with others like you!