Southeast Behavioral Health and local law officers will be holding a training on March 1 and 2 to train officers to work effectively with people who have mental illnesses and people with mental illnesses that are suicidal. Actors are needed to role play scenarios with the officers, who will be implementing techniques they will be learning into exchanges with people who are mentally ill and/or suicidal. Evaluators will be on hand to give feedback to the officers on how they handled the situation, and options for handling things differently in the future. Actors will be given scripts ahead of time to review, plus information on the mental health issue portrayed in their scenario, so that they can plan how they want to carry out their scenes with the officers. Between 6 and 8 actors are needed per shift from 10:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 on March 1, and 6 to 8 actors are needed from 10:15 to noon on March 2. Actors can help on one day or on both days.
If you are interested in helping with this important cause, please call Sara Carothers at 274-1407 or email
Volunteering in this role will truly make a difference for people struggling with thoughts of suicide and mental health issues. Thank you so much for your assistance.